Colt Walker & Colt Dragoon cartridge converters in .45 Colt caliber

Colt Walker conversion with blued cylinder and ring with loading gate
This cartridge converter is made for the 1847 Colt Walker percussion revolver in .44 caliber. It converts the Walker to a .45 Colt/.45 Schofield, six shot revolver with the correct size barrel for the centerfire cartridge. All centerfire Kirst Konverters are manufactured for use in modern, reproduction Cap & Ball revolvers with steel frames; they can fire Standard Pressure and Cowboy Action ammunition. Don’t use +P ammo or any other high-pressure ammunition. Note: The use of jacketed ammo may cause slightly more wear to the bore of the barrel than using lead bullets.
No F.F.L. paperwork is required to purchase a Kirst Konverter. All Kirst Konverters carry a lifetime "No B.S." warranty, plus they are made with pride in the good, old U.S.A.

Colt Dragoon conversion with blued cylinder and ring
with loading gate

This cartridge conversion will fit the 1st, 2nd and 3rd model Colt Dragoon revolvers. It converts the .44 caliber percussion revolver to a six shot, .45 Colt cartridge that also accepts the shorter .45 Schofield cartridges. Fortunately the .44 caliber Cap & Ball barrel has the same bore dimensions as the present day .45 centerfire caliber.