The .22 Caliber Colt Standard Conversion Kit fits all of these revolvers:
Uberti 1851 .36cal
Uberti 1860 .44cal
Uberti 1861 .36cal
Pietta 1851 .36cal
Pietta 1851 .44cal
Pietta 1860 .44cal
Pietta 1861 .36cal
Pietta 1862 .36cal
Colt Blackpowder 1851 .36cal
Colt Blackpowder 1860 .44cal
Colt Blackpowder 1861 .36cal
*Dance Brothers 1862 .44cal
(with barrel adjustment)
The.22 Caliber Colt Conversion Kit has been designed to be used for all full size frame Colt percussion revolvers. This kit fits the 1851 Navy, 1861 Navy, and the 1860 Army revolvers manufactured by Uberti, Pietta, and all Colt Black Powder Series. All .22 Conversion Kits fire standard .22LR ammo; including .22 Long and .22 Short.
One Konverter will allow the conversion of both .36 caliber and .44 caliber to .22LR. There is a .36 caliber barrel adapter and a .44 caliber adapter bushing in the kit, along with adjustment washers allowing you to adjust the cylinder to barrel gap for any of the full size Colt models. If you own multiple percussion revolvers, one Konverter can easily be moved from gun to gun.
Even better: You do not need to remove the cylinder to load and unload, and there is no frame modification needed. Take out the percussion cylinder, slip in this Konverter and you’ve converted to .22LR in minutes! The Colt .22 Conversion Kit with its internal loading port lets you load quickly; no modification of the gun is needed, because the loading port is built right into the Konverter assembly.

(This .22 Kit can be used in either BRASS or STEEL frame revolvers)
- Fire .22 Cartridges from your Cap & Ball revolvers
- Instantly converts your Cap & Ball to .22 Rimfire
- Convert from Cap & Ball by just slipping in the .22 Kit
- 2-3/8" barrel adapter is accurate at 50 foot target range
- Shoot more for less money, make loading easier and faster
- Pays for itself in the money you save in ammunition cost
- Switch back to Cap & Ball by reinstalling the original cylinder
NOTE - The Colt .22 Conversion Kit with its internal loading port lets you load quickly, no modification of the gun is needed, because the loading port is built right into the Konverter assembly.

- Place the hammer to the half-cocked position and remove the percussion cylinder.
- Insert the .22 Rimfire Barrel Adapter into the breach of the revolver barrel.
- Insert the .22 conversion cylinder. Align the scallop on the barrel adaptor with the cylinder pin; install the Konverter Ring and Cylinder; reinstall the barrel and the wedge. Push the cylinder latch forward to rotate and load the cylinder per detailed instructions included in each kit.
- Align the empty chamber under the hammer and carefully let the hammer down on the empty chamber for safety.
- Always carry the revolver with the hammer down on an empty chamber.

Minor fitting may be needed, detailed instructions included with each kit.